Written by - Patricia Tsai
picture from - national school of journalism
Traditional gender roles have been around for many centuries. Although in today’s society, gender is seen more as a social construct, many people still believe in gender norms and roles. Gender roles implies the manner each sex acts, speaks, dresses and presents themselves to others. Men were typically seen as the stronger, more powerful sex, while women were seen as the weaker gender. The traditional social standard of women is that women have children, care for their family, be the lady of the house and do other domestic chores. Women and girls have been expected to be polite, accommodating, being passive, soft, naive, flirtatious and nurturing. Men on the other hand were expected to work, provide for their families and be the head of their household. They were seen as aggressive, self-confident, ambitious, dempanding, insensitive and powerful.
Even as far as physical appearance is part of traditional gender roles. Women were to be thin and graceful, dressing femininely (wearing dresses and make-up). Men were to be muscular and tall, dress masculine (short haircuts and wearing pants.) Every ethnic group, culture and society can have very different views on gender roles and expectations.
Gender roles were supposed to create gender inequality but to sustain gender norms. Each was just as important as the other and was important for staying alive. We practiced these differences in order to have the strengths both genders were seen to have would make up for the other genders weakness. However, someplace alongside the way, gender roles went from being a tool of collaboration for a mutual advantage to a device to authorize and belittle.
Since society has changed vastly, with new generations comes much needed change. Women have more rights and opportunities in the world today. Gender roles should have been left in the past, as now they are not needed to survive. The focus today is promoting gender equality, and ending discrimination and sexism. Although fewer people believe in traditional gender norms and roles today than in the past, gender roles still play a prominent role in many individuals' societies. These roles might be less subtle but are still frequent, this impacts how people can interact with others in their day to day life.
Today, any gender can live individual lives and mostly have the same opportunities. The effects of gender stereotypes affect genders differently, some more harmful than others.
These norms can be a problem in society today. Women are still paid less than men in some countries, this is the result of negative side effects from gender roles. In some countries some genders do not even have rights, transgender indivdiuals still are fighting for their rights and opportuinities.
We have come a long way from traditional gender roles, however., work still has to be done to create absolute equality between all genders.
How can we counter gender stereotypes?
Point it out. Film, television, newspapers, magazines, or the internet can often display negative gender stereotypes. Talk with others and help them understand the negative effects of sexism and gender norms.
Use your voice! If someone is saying a sexist comment, do not be afraid to call them out.
Be a role model. Create a safespace where others can openly talk about their experiences and express themselves.