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Deforestation - Causes & Effects

written by - patricia tsai

edited by - aahana

What is deforestation?

A simple definition for deforestation is when humans cut down trees without replanting them.

What are the causes of deforestation?

Deforestation is due to multiple reasons, unsustainable forest management, fire incidents, urbanization, illegal logging, paper manufacturing, agricultural activities and many more. Some other causes are unsustainable forest management which is when forestry isn’t environmentally balanced, fire incidences which are forest fires due to heat or humans, urbanization which is the process of cities expanding into rural areas. Further causes of deforestation are illegal logging, when trees are harvested, transported, processed and sold in defiance of law, paper manufacturing, especially when it is done too much or unsustainably. One of the main causes of deforestation is agricultural activities. Since humans need vegetation to survive, much area is needed for planting food, taking up the space where forests were.

Why should we care about deforestation?

Forestry and trees are one of the most important ecosystems we have here on earth. About 80% of the world's species and organisms call forests their home and depend on them to live. We need trees to help regulate climate, clean pollutants out of the air and provide oxygen.

Why is deforestation bad for the environment?

We rely on trees for oxygen and to absorb carbon dioxide. Since forests and climate are linked, deforestation therefore contributes to climate change. If there are less trees to absorb the greenhouse gases, the earth heats up. Trees release water and oxygen which is why tropical rainforests are naturally humid. Trees also provide shade for the soil, keeping it moist and creating the optimal circumstances for rich plant growth. A lack of trees creates an imbalance of the atmosphere needed for trees to grow, leading to dying of trees, deforestation and climate change. Other deforestation effects are acidic oceans, caused by the higher levels of carbon dioxide and other toxic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and habitat loss. As many animals depend on forestry, deforestation will lead to animals needing to relocate, and possibly extinction. Deforestation also impacts the quality of many lives globally. People use forests daily for hunting and gathering. Loss of biodiversity is also seen through deforestation. Since many species live in forests, especially tropical rainforests, their habitats play a crucial part in their way of life, sustaining their ecosystems, and not going extinct.

What are ways we can stop deforestation?
  • Be aware of deforestation and spread awareness

  • Plant a tree and help restore the forests

  • Recycle paper products

  • Reduce your paper use

  • Support organizations that fight deforestation

  • Join a community that speaks out about forestry


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